Thursday, February 16, 2017

LAD #31: Wilson's Fourteen Points

LAD #31: Wilson's Fourteen Points
Wilson's first point intended to end secret diplomacy. His second emphasized the importance of having complete freedom of the seas. The third point involved having free trade with no obstacles among all nations. The fourth point intended to reduce armaments of all countries. The fifth point stated that all questions about colonies should be determined by the people that lived their, supporting self-rule. Wilson's sixth point involved treaty Russia well and allowing her to join the "society of free nations." The seventh point was about restoring the self-rule and sovereignty of Belgium. The eighth point requested the evacuation and restoration of France, as well as the return of Alsace-Lorraine to the French. The ninth point referred to restoration of Italy's borders. The tenth point stated that the people of Austria-Hungary should be allowed to govern themselves. The eleventh point was about the sovereignty of the Balkan nations. The twelfth point was also about sovereignty, but this time about Turkey and the surrounding Ottoman states. The thirteenth point stated that there should be an independent Poland. Finally, the fourteenth point said that there should be a League of Nations to prevent further conflict in the future.


This reminded me of the United Nations which is very similar to Wilson's failed League of Nations, which is mentioned in his Fourteen Points.

LAD #30: Schenck v. US

LAD #30: Schenck v. U.S.
The opinion of Justice Holmes begins with a summary of the counts against Schenck, which included attempting to undermine the recruitment efforts of the U.S. during a time of war, as well as using the mail to deliver things that a prohibited. Schenck tried to appeal using the First Amendment which includes freedom of speech and of the press. Schenck's documents essentially compared the draft to an action of a despot and told Americans to assert their constitutional rights. It was presumed that the intent of these documents was to obstruct the process of conscription. Holmes then stated that every act must be considered with the circumstances. Words that create a "clear and present danger" are lawfully restricted by Congress. When at war, the circumstances change one's constitutional rights, and trying to prevent the draft is a danger to a nation at war. According to the statute of 1917, obstructing the war effort is a crime, and saying or writing anything with that intent is as well. Holmes then concludes by defining the process of recruitment, proving that Schenck was obstructing this process.

This case reminded me of the Japanese internment camps during WWII, which were considered constitutional given the circumstances of being at war, even though the act of putting the Japanese in camps was unconstitutional.