LAD #33: FDR's First Inaugural
FDR begins his address very boldly, emphasizing the importance of truth, and acknowledging the grave issues that were currently facing the country. He stated that the only thing to fear was fear itself and that that was what was keeping the country from moving forward. He then goes on to address some of the many economic issues facing the nation, especially the issue of widespread unemployment. In a more hopeful tone, FDR then makes clear that the issue does not come from a lack of material, stating that nature provides plenty. Sadly, according to Roosevelt, America has been looking to leaders whose only experience is in helping themselves, and that they only know how to lend more money, adding to the problem at hand. FDR then says that money is not the most important thing and that we should strive for achievement instead. Roosevelt makes clear that the root of the problem is the unfair, dishonest practices that have been occurring, which in turn have led to a lack of trust and confidence among the people. FDR states that this needs to change. According to Roosevelt, not only do our values need to be restored, but action must be taken to put people to work, and not just in the overcrowded cities. Nothing will happen if people just talk about it. To make sure that this never happens again, FDR states that banking needs regulation, and there needs to be a stable currency. Next, FDR moves away from isolationism, stating that world trade must be reopened. Roosevelt emphasizes the need to give as well as take. He also states that, though he hopes to work with Congress, he is entirely willing to expand his Executive power to solve America's problems. To conclude, Roosevelt proudly accepts the position that the people have given him, and he asks for God's blessing.,cs_srgb,dpr_1.0,g_face,h_300,q_80,w_300/MTE4MDAzNDEwNzg5ODI4MTEw/barack-obama-12782369-1-402.jpg
The problems that Roosevelt is addressing in this speech remind me of the economic recession that President Obama faced when he first came into office in 2008.
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