Friday, January 20, 2017

LAD #28: Wilson's Inaugural

LAD #28: Wilson's Inaugural
Wilson begins by addressing that both Congress and the Presidency are now occupied by Democrats. He then states that the purpose of this change is to fix the issues that have come about from policies that had been successfully implemented for a long time, but have turned bad. Next, Wilson mentions how great life is, materially and morally, and how strong the American system of government is. He then couples that with the evils that have been done, wasting nature's resources and overworking many people, wasting lives. These were the actions of a corrupt government. Wilson then states that it is time to fix the evils while keeping the good, making the workforce more fair and not just trying to gain industrial greatness. He describes it as "restoration." Wilson then lists off some issues, like harmful tariffs, an uncontrolled industrial sector, and the waste of American resources without replenishing them. He then reiterates that the responsibility of government is to protect the lives of the people, which could be done with labor laws and sanitation laws. Wilson emphasizes that property rights will be maintained and that business will be restored by adding justice. He concludes by stating that he is dedicated towards improving the lives of the people.


This reminded me of FDR, who made lots of legislation to help American laborers, even though their hardships were a result of depression, not poor labor conditions.

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