Friday, January 20, 2017

LAD #29: Keating-Owen Child Labor Act

LAD #29: Keating-Owen Child Labor Act
Section 1 of the act restricts the amount of time that fourteen to sixteen year olds can work in factories, mills, canneries, etc. Children under fourteen are prohibited to work, and children under sixteen can not work in mines. Section 2 lays out the plan to create a board to regulate the rules on child labor. Section 3 gives the Secretary of Labor the ability to inspects work places at any time to enforce the act. Section 4 requires state district attorneys to prosecute people that are found to violate these child labor laws. Section 5 sets the boundaries for the punishment of people who violate the conditions in section one. Section 6 clarifies the wording of the document, so that "person" also applies to business and corporations. Finally, Section 7 states that the bill will take effect in one year.

This reminded me of how today, no one under sixteen can work in construction, but there have been some violations of this.

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