Thursday, September 8, 2016

LAD #2: Zenger Trial
LAD #2: Zenger Trial
1. Who was John Peter Zenger?
 John Peter Zenger was a publisher in New York City during the 1730s. During that time he published a controversial newspaper called the New York Weekly Journal, which criticized the governor of the time, William Cosby. Zenger was arrested and charged for seditious libel for the publication of this paper.

2. What was the controversy over his charges? Talk about Hamilton's defense.
The controversy over Zenger's charges was whether or not the criticisms published in the paper were truthful. Andrew Hamilton, Zenger's lawyer, made the case to the jury that Zenger could not be found guilty of libel if his publications were not false. He also made the plea to the jury that the Zenger's charges were an attack on the freedoms of every British subject.
3. What influence did this case have on American governmental tradition?
This case, and Zenger's victory, changed the popular view on the topic of freedom of the press, and made many people come to view this as a right. This case foreshadowed and influenced the future, especially with the inclusion of this freedom in the American Bill of Rights.
4. What is the lasting significance of his trial? Explain.
The lasting significance of this trial is that people in the United States can openly publish criticism of things they disagree with without having to fear that they will be faced with criminal charges for doing so. There are many examples of people that have published criticisms of government policies and personnel recently, and it actually is pretty common. Many people even make their living as political analysts and commentators, a job which requires them to discuss, and depending on their opinions, criticize government officials.

The US Bill of Rights is something I associate with the Zenger Trial because the Bill of Rights includes the right to Freedom of the Press in the First Ammendment.

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