Sunday, September 25, 2016

Republican Motherhood Blog

Republican Motherhood Blog
1. What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood?

The Revolutionary War had a huge role in the transformation of the woman's job to Republican Motherhood. Without the American Revolution, this transformation may not have occured. According the Document C, which war written during the war, the woman's job added the responsibility of educating their children about the war and the liberties the revolutionaries fought for. It states that the success of the Revolution, and the future of America was dependent on women educating and developing good citizens.

2. What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women?

The consequences of the Republican Motherhood on women was that they were now restricted to the home even more so, due to their added responsibiltiy as the teacher of liberty to the young. According to Document A, women are restricted to their "appropriate and appointed sphere of action." It states that women must work in the home to pass on the beliefs and values of America to her children.

3. What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women's socialization?

The ideology of the Republican Motherhood increased the need for women to be educated, according to Document B. This is significant, because before this, women's education was not considered to be very important. Also, it changed society's view of women. Document D suggests that women now had more more power in society and that they held to fate of America in their hands. This is important, because before this, women were considered only good for maintaining the house and caring for the children.

"Mary Gibson Tilghman and her Sons" by Charles Wilson Peale (1789)
1. Describe the Setting.
The setting of this portrait appears to be in a living room, most likely within Mrs. Tilghman's home. She and her two suns are sitting on a sofa. One son is sitting on her lap, the other beside her.

2. Who serves at the center of the portrait and why? How does the woman look? How is she "republican" rather than aristocratic?

Mrs.Tilgham is seated at the center of the portrait. She seems like a strong figure and good role model, from the portrait. She appears to be a caring mother. She seems republican, as opposed to aristocratic for a few reasons. For example, she does not appear to be dressed in lavish clothing and is not wearing expensive jewelry, something you might expect from an aristocratic woman. She also is portrayed with her sons, whereas, aristocratic women might delegate the care of their children to some form of nanny.

3. What values do her sons exhibit?

Her sons exhibit various values. One, is curiosity, shown by the way that the one son is reaching for the other. They also appear to be gentle, demonstrated by the way that the son is handling the bird. They seem to be very well mannered, as well, represented by the son in blue's attentiveness while to portrait was taken.

4. Is there a significance to the position of Mrs. Tilgham's arm?

The position of Mrs. Tilgham's arm, holding her son, shows that she cares about her children, but also that she is constantly educating them. She is teaching her son manners in that she is not allowing him to reach his brother, which he is trying to do.

The way in which Republican Motherhood increased the importance of women reminded me of Susan B. Anthony, who increased the rights of women during the Women's Suffrage Movement.


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