Wednesday, September 28, 2016

LAD #5: The Federalist #10

LAD #5: The Federalist #10

1. Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?

Factions are so difficult to eliminate for two main reasons because the two ways to do so are impractical or impossible. The first way to eliminate factions is to eliminate liberty from a society, and in America, this is not practical given this nation was founded on liberty and Americans even fought a war to earn it. Though it would eliminate factions, America would lose its identity without liberty. The second way to eliminate factions is to make every citizen have the same ideas, opinions, and beliefs. This is impossible because it is human nature to have different opinions, especially in America. Because Americans can own property and because some Americans own more than others, Americans often want different legislation passed based on what will benefit their own lives. Therefore, it would be impossible to convince every American to want the same things. Also, Americans all come from different backgrounds, religiously and culturally, which influence their opinions.

2. If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled?

Factions can be controlled through government in the form of a republic. Because there is often a majority and a minority, democracy would not benefit every citizen, due to the fact that the majority would always govern in favor of themselves, not for the benefit of the entire country. In a republic, representatives are elected that are more likely to pass legislation that is best for the entire country, not just for one faction. Also, there must be national and state legislatures so that local issues and overarching issues can both be addressed, which helps to reduce the bias there would be if there was just one legislature. By doing this, the entire country and the individual states both are more likely to benefit.

This document reminded me of the Democratic and Republican parties that we have today. These parties are factions that are controlled by the American system of government.

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