Saturday, November 12, 2016

LAD #12: Polk's War Message

LAD #12: Polk's War Message
 Polk begins his message to Congress by discussing the attempts of the the U.S. Government to begin diplomatic relations with the Mexican Government. Polk states that the Mexican Government was asked to receive an American envoy to discuss the issues between the nations and the territorial disputes. However, the Mexican's changed their minds and five days later that government changed hands. The new government also refused to talk with the American envoy. According to Polk, the American's did everything in their power to satisfy the diplomatic needs of the Mexican's and that it was very disrespectful of the Mexican's to break their agreement. Polk also states that at this point Texas had decided to become part of the Union and that this had been approved by Congress. He then asserts that it is the government's responsibility to now protect the Texans. They were at this point threatened by Mexican invasion for annexing to the United States. Troops were then positioned in Texas and told not to engage with the Mexicans unless attacked, and the Mexicans attacked on April 24th. Polk then states that the United States did all it could to avoid war, but now it is the government's responsibility to do what is best for its people.

This document reminded me of the XYZ Affair because that was another scenario in which American diplomats were refused by a foreign country.

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