Sunday, November 20, 2016

LAD #14: Lincoln's First Inaugural Address

LAD #14: Lincoln's First Inaugural Address
Lincoln did not mince words in his First Inaugural Address and got straight to the point. He opened by addressing the fears the southern states have about him becoming president. He attempted to quell their fears by quoting himself saying that he did not intend to abolish slavery in the southern states. Lincoln wanted to show the southerners that he was not going to infringe on their rights and that he was going to treat them equally. After this, Lincoln discussed the issue of runaway slaves in the North. Lincoln stated that Americans and Congress should abide by the laws of the Constitution, which makes clear that slaves must be returned and freemen must remain freemen. Lincoln then discussed the unity of America. He stated that if followed, the Constitution would keep the United States united forever, unless the government allows individual parts of the nation to destroy the unity. Therefore, Lincoln made clear that it was his responsibility to do what is necessary to preserve the nation's unity. Lincoln said that he does not want to have to use force and that he will need to collect taxes, but will not try to in rebellious areas of the country. After this, he almost makes a final plea to the South to reconsider. It is emphasized that no constitutional rights were ever violated. Lincoln states that the two regions should not separate because they will always have to deal with each other, and these interactions would be even harder as "aliens." He then continued that it would be much better for the South to attempt an amendment to the Constitution and that patience is all the South needed because what was meant to happen would in the end. Lincoln concludes in peace, saying that he will not do anything to force the issue of civil war and that he believes it is better for all Americans to remain comrades not enemies. He left the issue in the hands of the people.

This reminded me of Washington's Farewell Address because Washington makes clear in this speech that he believes the different regions of the U.S. must remain friendly and united, a belief the Lincoln shares.

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