Sunday, November 27, 2016

LAD #19: Lincoln's Second Inaugural

LAD #19: Lincoln's Second Inaugural
Lincoln begins his Second Inaugural Address by stating that he does not find it important to give a long detailed speech on a plan for the future or present new information, given the state of the nation and the information the public knew about the war. Lincoln says that at his last speech, everyone wanted to avoid war, but the opposing sides both were willing to endure war to achieve their goals, and therefore, war came. Lincoln then begins to discuss the issue of slavery, which was the cause of the war. He mentions how the South wanted to extend slavery, while the North wanted to confine it. He also states that no one expected that the war would take as long as it had so far taken. Finally, Lincoln begins to discuss God, and how neither sides prayers have fully been answered. He quotes scripture, and essentially says that the war is punishment for the crime of slavery, and that though he prays for the end of the war, whatever happens is just punishment. He then concludes by asking his fellow countrymen to help the nation heal by finishing the job.

 Lincoln's request for help in finishing the job reminds me of his Gettysburg Address, where he asks the people to help make sure that the soldiers did not die in vain.

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