Sunday, November 20, 2016

LAD #15: Gettysburg Address

LAD #15: Gettysburg Address
The Gettysburg Address is in essence an eulogy for the men who died at the Battle of Gettysburg. In the speech, Lincoln talked about the cause of the men who fought, and how they fought for a country in which "all men are created equal." He then continued to say that nothing that they do to memorialize the battle, meaning those there to honor the dead, will compare to the soldiers actions. Lincoln then finished the speech powerfully, stating that it is their job to do all they can to make sure that those brave soldiers did not die in vain. According to Lincoln, it was imperative that they finish the job.
This reminded me of the surrender at Appomattox because this was where the Union's victory was finalized, representing the completion of the job and ensuring that the dead did not die in vain.

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