Sunday, November 27, 2016

LAD #20: Emancipation Proclamation

LAD #20: Emancipation Proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation begins by stating that the slaves in the rebellious states are all free, as of January 1st, 1863, and that the U.S. Government will recognize and assist slaves in gaining that freedom. It also asserts that states in rebellion will be given representation in Congress, and at that action, will no longer be considered in rebellion. Lincoln then lists the Confederate states and writes that all other states will not be affected by the proclamation. He finishes by stating that all freed slaves should to commit violent acts, that they will be accepted in the military, and that the proclamation is legal by "military necessity."

This reminds me of the Japanese Camps of WWII because FDR issued them a military necessity, even though they were unconstitutional. 

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