Saturday, November 12, 2016

LAD #13: John Calhoun's Speech

LAD #13: John Calhoun's Speech
John Calhoun's Speech was about the disunity the issue of slavery in America caused, how it developed, and how the union could be preserved. Calhoun then states that the disunity was a result of the frustration of the southern states, but that it was not incited by southern politicians, but rather that the politicians tried to keep the people of the south at bay, as they were the ones that were the most upset. He then questions why the people of the South did not think they could remain a part of the U.S. He says it was a result of both the anti-slavery actions of the North and the power imbalance between the two regions that favored the North. He says the real problem was the laws passed by the government to end the balance of power. These include territorial legislation that added territory to the North and not the South, and the use of southern tax money for the North. Calhoun asserts that the North has gotten an unfair amount of territory. He also says that the South had been unfairly taxed and that the money had gone to the North, which had increased the number of people moving to the North, increasing their population. He continues to state that the South could do nothing because the North controlled all parts of government as a result of their increased territory and population. Calhoun also addresses that the North considered slavery to be a sin and therefore, tried to destroy it, while the South tried to save it. In order to save the Union, Calhoun says that the North would need to fix the imbalance of power, satisfying the South. He says that they should not try to get the South to sacrifice anything because they had already sacrificed a lot. He then tells the North that they have the power to do their duty and save the Union, but that only they can do it. He concludes by stating that if they do nothing, the South will be forced to secede.

This document foreshadows the Civil War, in which the South seceded. Calhoun would argue that they were forced to do so because the North did nothing to fix the power imbalance between the regions.

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